Crisol de fidelidad. Manifestacion que haze el principado de Cathaluña, de las causas de alta congruencia, que le han obligado à tomar las armas, para defender su libertad...
Nos Don Emanvel Senjust y de Pagès ... Bisbe de Vich ... que per part de la Conferencia dels tres Comuns sels ha aconsellàt, que per las afliccions, y vrgencias en ques troba dit Principat era convenient, y necessari recorrer al amparo de la Divina Magestat ab publicas Rogativas en totos los Pobles de aquell ...
The indictment, arraignment, tryal and judgement, at large, of twenty-nine regicides, the murtherers of ... King Charles the First ... Together with a summary of the dark and horrid decrees of those cabbalists ... To which is added, their speeches. With a preface, giving an account of the rise and progress of enthusiasm among us, and in other parts of Europe; with the characters, and answer to the tenets of the several persons executed