
Filtres de la cerca

Tornar a l'inici Heu cercat per: Nivell Bibliogràfic Monografia Eliminar el filtre Nivell Bibliogràfic: Monografia Idioma Anglès Eliminar el filtre Idioma: Anglès

Resultats de la cerca

101. Servile names in Catalonia, 1180-1283

103. New advances in Eocene Biostratigraphy (IGCP Project n. 393)

104. Laymen, Clerics, and Documentary Practices in the Early Middle Ages

105. Robert S. Lopez (1910-1985)

106. Spices and Late-Medieval European Ideas of Scarcity and Value

107. Food

108. Out of the East

109. God and his saints in medieval Catalonia

110. Rulers and ruled in frontier Catalonia, 880-1010