Account of several new intentions and improvements now necessary for England, in a discourse by way to letter to the Earl of Marlbourgh ...
Account of Several New Intentions and Improvements Now Necessary for England, In a Discourse by Way to Letter to the Earl of Marlbourgh ... London: printed for James Astwood, and aer to be sold by Ralph Simpson .., 1691.
(1691). Account of several new intentions and improvements now necessary for England, in a discourse by way to letter to the Earl of Marlbourgh ... London: printed for James Astwood, and aer to be sold by Ralph Simpson ..
Account of Several New Intentions and Improvements Now Necessary for England, In a Discourse by Way to Letter to the Earl of Marlbourgh ..: . London: printed for James Astwood, and aer to be sold by Ralph Simpson .., 1691.